Nickname: jackiel
E-mail address:

How would you describe yourself (top, bottom, switch, sub, dom, etc.):

When did you first find the newsgroup?
january 1996

What do you appreciate most about SSS?
the people, acceptance

Your favorite SSS story or author(s):
miss lily, frank the flogmaster

Describe a favorite scene (real or imagined):
Last weekend Sir Peter immobilized me, naked on a breast bar so i was unable to move. He tied up my tits and stood in front of me while i was watching myself int he mirror and he used a single tailed whip, a quirt, and a dressage whip on my tits and i was incapable of covering up at all. Then he took a pencil thin cane and came over to me and made crosses all over my tits with seconds i was bruised, and all i wished was that instead of crosses, he would have made jewish stars...He said he'd do that next time, laughing...

Do you play in real life?
Oh YESSS, as often as possible

Are you looking for a partner?
Always, 24/7 Master preferably

If you consider yourself a citizen of Asssville, please elaborate on your life in town (your character, residence, occupation, friends, favorite hangouts, hobbies, whatever):
me, i just hang around to amuse everyone with the continuing soap opera of my life...and divorce and play..

Other comments:
To All My friends in Assville, thank you, smiling, jackie l


Nickname: James Hill
E-mail address:
Sex: Male

Would you describe yourself as top, bottom or switch?
Top, I guess, but not "full time".

When did you first find the newsgroup?
Many years ago, it seems. But my interest waned and I never posted (or even lurked until recently).

What do you appreciate most about SSS?
I love the bottom/sub women here! I have never seen such a large collection of articulate, sensual, and witty ladies. I guess I find the combination of the desire to bottom, along with the strength and courage to explore a unique sexuality, so very attractive. It's a paradox, of course, and one I find so compelling and interesting.

I also appreciate the wit and humor of many of the posters, Particularly some that I disagree with on just about everything.

I like the fact that I used to think I might be weird, but after hanging around here a while, I feel a lot better. (Sort of liking going to the nuthouse for a visit, and seeing people worse than you).

Your favorite SSS story or author(s):
That is very difficult to answer, as there are a lot of interesting people here. I tend not to read much fiction but love the occasional biography or real life posting. I do have a few in mind, actually, but there are so many poignant posts I have read, where I can't actually recall the author, only the words.

Describe a favorite scene (real or imagined):
Real: Erotic, bare bottomed, OTK, sex.

Imagined: I walk into a bank and rob it. One of the tellers gives me a hard time. She is kinda cute so right there in front of all of her co-workers, I hog-tie her. Her dress 'accidentally' gets hiked up when I put her on the floor. She gets nasty about it, so I yank down her panties and turn her bottom a nice pink with a hairbrush from her purse. Then I leave her like that, thrashing on the floor with her well spanked bottom for all to see, unrepentant, while I proceed to rob the bank.

Uh, where was I?

Do you play in real life?
Oh yes!

Are you looking for a partner?
No, I have a wife and a "soulmate" already. There will never be another for me.

If you consider yourself a citizen of Asssville, please elaborate on your life in town (your character, residence, occupation, friends, favorite hangouts, hobbies, whatever):
I am not sure I am a citizen of Assville. I have a place right out of town, but it's a little rural and quiet. Most nights, you can see me just before twilight, riding my horse "Excalibur" in the pasture, practicing flying lead changes (and trying to figure out the difference between a collected cantor and a working cantor).

To some I may seem aloof and remote, but it's just part of my nature that I am trying to change a little. But I do get to town often, and would like to get to know some of the locals soon enough.

Other comments:
I love the female bottom! When I am not spanking it, I am caressing it, kissing it, uh, you fill in the blanks here.

My wife and I have a saying, She kisses my ass by day, and I kiss hers at night. That about sums it up.

I think that's enough for now.

Nickname: JanetM.
I am not, never have been, and don't expect to ever be Janet Hardy, although for some reason I occasionally get email meant for her. I take it as a compliment :-)
E-mail address:
Sex: Female.

Would you describe yourself as top, bottom or switch?
Bottom (masochist, not submissive).

When did you first find the newsgroup?
I found a.s.s. in 1994.

What do you appreciate most about SSS?
The sense of community, the scene reports, the fiction, and the technical (e.g., safety) information.

Your favorite SSS story or author(s).
Too many to list, but John Benson is someone I always look for, for fiction; John Palmer is someone I always look for, for reasoned discussion (and the one piece of fiction John Palmer posted ((that I saw, there may have been others)) was right up there with John Benson's work). Likewise Janet Hardy and Rosy B. Goode, for reasoned discussion (both) and stories/RL accounts (Rosy). And lots of others, too.

Describe a favorite scene (real or imagined)
For years, one of my favorite fantasies has been of a spanking that goes on for a very long time, starting slow and methodical, covering my entire backside and backs of my thighs, then becoming more rapid and less predictable.

Recently, I've acquired a fantasy of spending a day or a weekend with a friend, and being spanked (paddled, flogged, whatever) at random times. As play, not as any kind of punishment; that's definitely not my kink.

Do you play in real life?
When I can!

Are you looking for a partner?
Primary partner, no; play partner, not looking, but amenable to the idea of meeting someone.

If you consider yourself a citizen of Asssville, please elaborate on your life in town (your character, residence, occupation, friends, favorite hangouts, hobbies, whatever):
Nope. I don't have that variety of imagination.

Other comments:
I've always posted as or (well, for a while I was, but that was before DejaNews), so if you want more information about me, there it is.

Nickname: jeannie
E-mail address:
Sex: female

How would you describe yourself (top, bottom, switch, sub, dom, etc.):
95% bottom (a definite change from the previous 100% bottom <g>)

When did you first find the newsgroup?
December 1997

What do you appreciate most about SSS?
SSS is a place which makes me feel welcome and at home. It is so wonderful to talk with and read about others with the same spanking interests. I am amazed by the intellegence and diversity found here and am impressed by the friendliness, warmth and caring of most.

Your favorite SSS story or author(s):
I love the stories on SSS and there are just way too many of my favorites to name. I tend to like the more squicky and severe type stories. I don't know why, I am just wired that way.

Describe a favorite scene (real or imagined):
A favorite scene and long time fantasy of mine is for a female (me!)to be spanked by two men at the same time. The lady (me) would be laying on a bed with pillows under her hips, one man on each side of the bed each with a different implement and alternating swats.

Do you play in real life?
Yes, I usually play 3 times a week or so. I will never get enough though in this life time. I am quite insatiable.

If you consider yourself a citizen of Asssville, please elaborate on your life in town (your character, residence, occupation, friends, favorite hangouts, hobbies, whatever):
I live in the big house around the corner. You know the one with the big wrap around porch filled with rocking chairs and hanging plants. The house where everyone is welcome to come and sit a spell (if they can sit...good thing all the chairs are well padded), share a story or two, enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and just enjoy the company.

Other comments:
SSS has come to mean a lot to me. I cherish the friendships I've found. Everyone here is very much a part of my life, and I don't ever want to leave.


Nickname: Jefesse
E-mail address:

How would you describe yourself (top, bottom, switch, sub, dom, etc.):
Top, mostly. (M/F)

When did you first find the newsgroup?
A long, long time ago.

What do you appreciate most about SSS?
I enjoy the stories. Also, the existence of SSS shows me that I'm not alone in my perversions.

Your favorite SSS story or author(s):
Any John Benson story. Also stories by Pablo Stubbs, asparkle, Miss LillyO, and many others. (I'm about a year behind in my reading, though ...)

Describe a favorite scene (real or imagined):
She has been naughty, and knows it. With hairbrush in hand, she comes to me -- she needs to feel it's hard back against her bottom, she says. Bare bottom? Oh, yes, certainly -- she is a naughty child, and should receive her punishment like a child, over lap, panties down.

Hard? Yes, if she deserves it -- the spanking will be wasted unless she cries remorseful tears.

After the spanking she will be hugged and caressed. (And fucked -)

(This is the core of the imaginary scenes I like to play in my head.)

Do you play in real life?
I've not had the opportunity yet, but would like to (who wouldn't like to!)

Are you looking for a partner?
Yes. Both for play and for romance.

Other comments:
I've been lurking on SSS for quite a while, and have finally come out. I'm glad I did.


Nickname: jelena
E-mail address:
female 37yr old (mother of 3)

How would you describe yourself (top, bottom, switch, sub, dom, etc.):

When did you first find the newsgroup?
one month ago 6/99

What do you appreciate most about SSS?
The volume of stories. Free.

Your favorite SSS story or author(s):
Have not decided yet

Describe a favorite scene (real or imagined):
Small party of close friends at my birthday party. Later in the evening, someone ask, "how old are you today" I answer, "I don't tell my age" They ask, "well how will we know many birthday spanking to give you." I answer "No way, no way, I'm too old for that." Then everyone at the party spanks my bare bottom. Then we start a birthday spanking club.

Do you play in real life?
Yes, my husband like to give me erotic spanking. Plus if I've broken one of our agreements, he will give me a punishment spanking.

Are you looking for a partner?
No!! But would like to talk to other spanked wifes

If you consider yourself a citizen of Asssville, please elaborate on your life in town (your character, residence, occupation, friends, favorite hangouts, hobbies, whatever):
A naughty housewife.

Nickname: Jen
Sex: Female

How would you describe yourself (top, bottom, switch, sub, dom, etc.):
Definitely a bottom

When did you first find the newsgroup?
I first found s.s.s. about a week after I got my Webtv setup, back in October, '98.

What do you appreciate most about SSS?
I appreciate the sense of community that we have. People really care about what happens to you in RL.

Your favorite SSS story or author(s):
Geez, I don't think I can remember all the names. SilkDreamr, John Benson, MrsMish, Squire Hobbit, Papa, Duchin, Swen, Julnick, Quester, Joni, Paul, and 'Roba, who I miss. There are probably others who I'm forgetting, but don't take it personally if I didn't mention you by name. My short-term memory isn't what it used to be! LOL

Describe a favorite scene (real or imagined):
A favorite scene would be one where I am put over the knee of the man that I love, who I trust completely, and spanked until I can't sit for a week, and then of course to make mad, passionate love for hours!

Do you play in real life?
I don't play in RL at the moment, but I'm planning on it very soon!

Are you looking for a partner?
Not looking for a partner. Found one, through the group, btw, and am very happy!

If you consider yourself a citizen of Asssville, please elaborate on your life in town (your character, residence, occupation, friends, favorite hangouts, hobbies, whatever):
I definitely consider myself to be a citizen of Asssville! If no one else has dibbs on it, I'm planning on opening a used book store where everybody can come together and discuss books, and life, and get lost for hours in the pages of their favorite books (spanking or otherwise!). I live in a simple house close to where the book store will be. It's got a nice garden in back where I grow vegetables to share with everybody. One whole room of the house is books. Shelves and shelves of wonderful books. I have many friends here. Casey and Rick, Quester, Papa (we avoid talking politics!LOL), Swen, Joni and Paul, Karen, Tricia, and a bunch of others.

Other comments:
I had alwas thought that there was something wrong with me, until I found this place. Everybody here is like me! It's been a truly liberating experience to talk about this kink that I had always had to keep quiet about before!


Nickname: Jenni
E-mail address:
Sex: F

How would you describe yourself (top, bottom, switch, sub, dom, etc.):
bottom, however I could see myself having a good time spanking a woman

When did you first find the newsgroup?
Over a year ago. Up til now, lurking away

What do you appreciate most about SSS?
The stories and some of the feedback.

Your favorite SSS story or author(s):
I don't remember the author, but the title was "The Fetish". Ilike sex thrown in with the spanking, especially anal sex.

Describe a favorite scene (real or imagined):
I like anything where the spanker takes control of the spankee,psychological as well as physical

Do you play in real life?
Not in years, unfortunately. :-(

Other comments:
I'm definitely bisexual, possibly a little on the lesbian side. The gender of my perfect partner is one of the least important things tome. If it was an emotional, intellectual and sexual match, I'd be totally his or hers!


Nickname: Jennifer
E-mail address:
Sex: Yes please! I mean, um, female.

How would you describe yourself (top, bottom, switch, sub, dom, etc.):
I'm a switch (and a bratty one too sometimes).

When did you first find the newsgroup?
Dec. 97, but I didn't delurk until Feb. 98.

What do you appreciate most about SSS?
The fact that I can just relax and have fun without worrying about what anybody thinks.

Your favorite SSS story or author(s):
John Benson, both of the one-L Michele's, Lurking Dragon, Bratgirl, Starship, LAR, many others.

Describe a favorite scene (real or imagined):
< blushing> A well-bred young lady is captured by pirates. The captain is captivated by her beauty and claims her as his own. He strips her, spanks her long and hard, and then ravishes her on the deck with the crew looking on and cheering. Afterward she is forced to act as a serving wench for the crew. She is kept naked and all the crew members are allowed to pinch and/or grope her, as well as spank her if she makes a mistake. But only the captain is allowed to fuck her.

Do you play in real life?
Every chance I get.

Are you looking for a partner?
Not right now.

If you consider yourself a citizen of Asssville, please elaborate on your life in town (your character, residence, occupation, friends, favorite hangouts, hobbies, whatever):
I live two lives in town. There's young Jennifer, who is nineteen and a student at Assville university, where she is a cheerleader. She lives with her guardian Uncle LAR in his mansion and is co-owner of radio station WOTK, along with her partner Heather. Then there's grown-up Jennifer who is thirty-something. She is a member in good standing of the Girl Gang, and engaged to Michele (the bookbabe one).

Other comments:
Both versions of me are heterosexual, but the grown-up Jennifer is willing to make one exception.


Nickname: jklbot

Your favorite SSS story or author(s):
There are way too many authors to list, and I wouldn't want to leave anybody out. I tried that one time, and ended up leaving out important people! Anyway, you never know when a really good new author will show up!

Do you play in real life?
Not yet! I want to though, and have a couple offers for sometime in the future.

Are you looking for a partner?
Yes, I am. I like the idea that the men who I talk to in the group are into spanking, because then I don't have to wonder about it if I happen to get involved with somebody.


Nickname: Joat mon
E-mail address:

How would you describe yourself (top, bottom, switch, sub, dom, etc.):

When did you first find the newsgroup?
feb 1999

What do you appreciate most about SSS?
the stories by like minded people

Your favorite SSS story or author(s):

Describe a favorite scene (real or imagined):
My wife spanking me

Do you play in real life?

Are you looking for a partner?

If you consider yourself a citizen of Asssville, please elaborate on your life in town (your character, residence, occupation, friends, favorite hangouts, hobbies, whatever):
Houseboy to the Schoolmarm

Other comments:
great NG


Nickname: Joey
<used to be called Noriko or Riko>
E-mail address:

How would you describe yourself (top, bottom, switch, sub, dom, etc.):

When did you first find the newsgroup?
I found SSS in the Spring of 1997- I think. I'm lousy with dates.

What do you appreciate most about SSS?
The friendships that I've made and all the folks that I've met that share this kink.

Your favorite SSS story or author(s):
Gosh...way too many to list...thought I must say the RPG <Sir Bard> is at the top of my list.

Describe a favorite scene (real or imagined):
Well....I have an imaginary scene, but if I share then it won't come true. <kinda like birthday wishes> So I'm keeping to myself for now.

Do you play in real life?

Are you looking for a partner?
No. I have one, thank you very much.

If you consider yourself a citizen of Asssville, please elaborate on your life in town (your character, residence, occupation, friends, favorite hangouts, hobbies, whatever):
Well.... I don't really respond to the few Assville town threads... But if I did...I guess I'd be a teacher over at the local school for wayward brats and in my offtime, I frequent the brat neighbourhood. LOL

Other comments:
Can't think of any at this point in time. Thanks for asking though.


Nickname: John
E-mail address:

How would you describe yourself (top, bottom, switch, sub, dom, etc.):
Dom male into mild spankings Etc

When did you first find the newsgroup?
Through Spankmaster

What do you appreciate most about SSS?

Your favorite SSS story or author(s):
There are many

Describe a favorite scene (real or imagined):
Very badly behaved secretary,bent over her bosses knee (ie me)with her skirt pulled up,and getting a good old spankings and smacking,and her kmickers then being pulled down over her stockings,and more spanking.

Do you play in real life?
I did but I am no longer with this partner,reason moving back to the uk.

Are you looking for a partner?
Yes of course.

Nickname: John Paul
E-mail address:
Sex: Male

How would you describe yourself (top, bottom, switch, sub, dom, etc.):

When did you first find the newsgroup?
I've been on SSS since its inception. I was on a.s.s. for several years before.

What do you appreciate most about SSS?
The great stories. I also love the companionship and intriguing conversation.

Your favorite SSS story or author(s):
Bratgirl, Helier, Frank Russell, Michelle, and many, many others

Describe a favorite scene (real or imagined):
Just one? Okay, after a long romantic evening, a woman lays across my lap and submits to lots of spanking, rubbing and kissing of her nether end before several bouts of sex. Then rest, some talk, some flirting, then more sex.

Do you play in real life?
Not often

Are you looking for a partner?
Not actively, but if one comes along, I won't complain...

Other comments:
I'm pretty much a dedicated lurker. I like to post my stories and read those of others and encourage a newbie or two every now and then. This way I get the best of the ng while avoiding the arguments and such.

Nickname: jojasa
E-mail address:
Sex: female

How would you describe yourself (top, bottom, switch, sub, dom, etc.):
submissive to Old Tom, bottom to a few, top when I'm in the mood

When did you first find the newsgroup?
January 1996

What do you appreciate most about SSS?
It makes me laugh, it makes me mad, it keeps me company, it turns me on, and most of all, because of the newsgroup I have met some very wonderful people.

Your favorite SSS story or author(s):
There are 4 stories, which I first read a long time ago, and they have stayed in my head all this time: Wife and I by Duchin, The Touch by Quixotoes, The Bench by Barrister, and Next to Godliness by Ming.

Favorite authors: anything written by OldTom, John Benson, Stranger, DebbieAnn, and Max Smart. MrSprayCan is in a class by himself... I love some of his stories, and others I don't like at all, but that's part of what makes him so good.

Describe a favorite scene (real or imagined):
Very basic: He spanks me, I come. He canes me, I come. He fucks with my head, I come. He spanks me some more, I come again. His sadistic mind gets so turned on doing all of the above.. we both come. what an imagination. <g>

Do you play in real life?
Yes :-)

Are you looking for a partner?
Not a partner, I have one, but making new friends in the scene is one of my favorite things.

If you consider yourself a citizen of Asssville, please elaborate on your life in town:
I live in the penthouse apartment above Duchin's Bar, the Crop and Paddle. Duchin lets me stay there out of the kindness of his heart.. yeah riiiight. Sometimes I get out for a little while and have tea with MissLily down in the alley, but Duchin or one of the Uncles are always watching. Mostly I just watch the town from my windows.

Other comments:
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
Robert Frost


J's continued on the next page...

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